The major objective of the Consortium is to establish an enabling academic environment in partner institutions that can efficiently support
a strong research-oriented human resource. A unified education and research consortium can effectively assist to develop a curriculum that
attract students and promote sustainable and profitable aquaculture production processes that:
The on-going and planned research activities at AIT are focused to unravel the intricacies of the complex aquaculture production systems and streamline their processes
for greater efficiency and acceptability by the rapidly growing Asian aquaculture industry.
The first technological developments will focus on:
AIT is currently working on to achieve the following objectives:
The overall approach of AIT is to design farm-oriented curricula for practice-based teaching, and conduct field experimentation to develop protocols for sustainable farming.
Such an approach will include simulated experimental scale trials for development of appropriate protocols for both production and transportation of live aquatic animals.
The Consortium will work together for developing technologies initially, which will be implemented and refined with selected farmer clusters in suitable provinces of Thailand.